Important Facts About Your Teenager’s Skin And Seeing A Dermatologist

Adolescence is a time of major changes for most teens and some of the more common issues seen in junior high and high school are skin issues. While other skin problems exist, two that are frequently experienced are acne and excess perspiration, both of which can be improved by seeing a dermatologist.  Although over-the-counter medications can help with some skin problems,it is also possible that the problem will be worsened by using inappropriate or ineffective treatments. Read More 

Occupational Therapy For Sensory Processing Disorder

Children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) have a difficult time organizing and acting appropriately on information they receive from their senses. Consequently, they can show signs of anxiety, motor clumsiness, and behavioral problems. Some children perform poorly in school. Symptoms range from mild to severe, but without treatment, the disorder can negatively impact a child's everyday activities. Because the brain of a child with SPD is wired differently, a treatment program that includes occupational therapy, which focuses on a sensory integration approach, can help the child respond better to the sensory information he or she receives within different sensory environments. Read More 

Things You Should Know About Ultrasound Liposuction Before You Undergo The Procedure

Ultrasound technology is used for addressing various medical conditions. It is now being used by plastic surgeons at places like Plastic Surgery Innovation PC to help you lose unwanted fat via ultrasound liposuction. Ultrasound liposuction mixes the fats with a special fluid to aid easy removal. Even as you desire to have this procedure done, there are things you should know about ultrasound liposuction before you undergo the procedure. Note that it is not a cure for obesity. Read More 

Answering Two Common Allergy Questions

When you have the unfortunate luck of suffering from allergies, you may find it difficult to enjoy your day to day life due to sneezing, difficulty breathing and running eyes. Additionally, there are some individuals that may suffer more severe reactions that can pose life-threatening consequences. If you have suddenly started to develop allergies, you may benefit from having the following two questions about this condition answered. How Can You Determine What Allergies You Have? Read More 

When Is It Hip To Exercise After Hip Replacement Surgery?

If you are facing hip replacement surgery, you should expect a complete recovery period of three to six months. During the initial days that follow your surgical procedure, a physical therapist will instruct you in various exercises to perform over the course of your recovery. Understanding the goals of therapy, choosing the right physical activities and making the commitment to carry out your assigned exercise program will be instrumental in ensuring your rehabilitation, enabling you to return to many of your previous daily activities in as little as six weeks. Read More